We’ve experienced as well as built up a great deal in the past 25 years. One of the most special elements of Pergamano International is that, through all the years, the company has remained so inextricably interwoven with its network of enthousiasts. A network comprising of teachers, designers and other fans of the hobby who are a major driving force behind Pergamano.
This book too has been created based on the input of enthousiastic authors who in recent years have made great contributions in the form of beautiful books, articles and pattern magazines. 25 assignments from 25 authors whose names doubtlessly are well known to a large number of you. Our slogan: Pergamano Endlessly Challenging! really says it all about the wonderful work in this book; A remarkable first 25 years. Here’s to the next 25!
This book is published in English.
Format: A4, 80 pages.
Code: 97661